
contact us

Want to know more about Les Papillons or the area?

Want to make a booking reservation?

Then just drop us a line and we'll get straight back to you,
Les Papillons
4 rue de la Récille
21400 PUITS
+33 674 07 19 69

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about us 
We met during our careers as Royal Navy Officers in the UK. We both then spent time in the corporate world, but realised that there was more to life. After a long love affair with France we bought a holiday home in northern Burgundy in 2007 with the aim of moving out on retirement. However, less than 2 years later this friendly and beautiful part of France had woven its magic, and just after finishing the renovation of our home in England, we decided it was time to pack up & leave our UK lives behind. 

We have set up and run our own successful property management business and enjoy looking after clients from all corners of the world.

4 years ago, and with the renovation of our own home behind us, we started looking for a new challenge. We discovered Les Papillons just around the corner in our own village and seized the opportunity to bring this charming cottage back from the edge. A total renovation followed, and the for you to enjoy and discover...

In our spare time Caroline plays a mean game of tennis with our local club, whilst Richard gets out on his bike as often as he can! Then of course there is Ellie, our Jack Russell, who just loves the freedom of living in the countryside.

We look forward to welcoming you to Burgundy.

Richard & Caroline WILLIAMS
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